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English Sharing

일상생활 영어 - [ 고급 ] [기본적인 대화] 전화받을 때 (3)
최고관리자 2024-04-04

전화받을 때 (3)

<기본적인 대화>
A: May I speak to Mr. Jones?
B: He's not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
A: No, that's not necessary. How soon do you expect him back?
B: About 2 o'clock.
A: I'll call back later. Thank you.

A: 존스 씨 좀 바꿔주시겠어요?
B: 그분은 지금 안 계셔요. 전하실 말씀이 있으세요?
A: 아니오, 괜찮아요. 그분이 언제쯤 돌아오실 것 같나요?
B: 두시쯤이요.
A: 제가 나중에 다시 전화드릴게요. 고마워요.

그분은 안 계세요.
He's not here right now.
He's not in at the moment.
He's out at the moment.

잠깐 나가셨어요.
He just stepped out for a moment.

화장실에 가셨어요.
He's in the rest room now.

그는 아직 안나오셨어요.
He hasn't shown up yet.

그는 오늘 나오지 않습니다.
He is out today.
He's not with us today.
I'm afraid he's not in today.

그 분은 퇴근하셨어요.
He went home.
He just went for home.
He has gone for the day.

그 분은 출장 중이세요.
He's away on a business trip.

그 분은 휴가 가셨어요.
He took the days off.

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