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English Sharing

일상생활 영어 - [ 중급 ] Bath with Mom [엄마와 목욕 하기]
최고관리자 2024-04-03

Let's take a bath.

How about taking a shower?

Hey, Its a bathing time.
얘야..목욕 시간이다.

Come on, we've got to take off our clothes.
자. 옷을 벗어야죠.

Let's fill the tub with water first.
제일 먼저 욕조에 물을 받자.

Wow, that's a lot of water.
우와..물이 많네요.

Take your clothes off and get in the tub.
옷을 벗고 욕조로 들어가세요.

Sit in the tub.
욕조속에 앉아요.

Mommy will give you bath.
엄마가 목욕시켜 줄께요.

Let's wash your hair first.
우선 머리를 감자.

Let's wet your hair first.
우선 머리를 물로 적시고.

Put your head down.
고개 숙이고.

Close your eyes.
눈 꼭 감아요.

O.K. It's done.
이제 됐다.

You can open your eyes now.
이제 눈 떠도 돼요.

Mommy will wrap a towel around your head and knot it.
엄마가 네머리를 수건으로 감싸 줄께요.

Let's wash with soap, and then scrub.
비누칠 먼저하고 때를 밀자.

Do you want me to scrub your back?
엄마가 등 밀어줄까?

Wash behind your ears.
귀 뒤를 씻자.

How about your back? Uh-oh, you can't reach.
등 씻을 수 있니? 이런 닫지 않는구나.

Turn around.
뒤로 돌아요.

Stay still.
가만히 있어요.

Don't move.
움직이지 말고.

We are done.
다 했어요.

O.K. Now let's rinse with clean water.
자.이제 깨끗한 물로 헹구자.

Do you feel refreshed?
기분 좋니?

Let's dry up your hair.
머리를 말리자.

Mommy will cut your fingernails.
엄마가 손톱 깍아줄께요.

How much do you weigh?
몸무게가 얼마나 되니?

Let's weigh yourself.
몸무게를 재보자.

Get on the scale.
체중계 위에 올라가보세요.

Get off the scale.
체중계에서 내려오세요.

You are 15 kilograms in weight.
넌 15Kg이구나.

You gained 1 kilogram.
1Kg이 늘었네요.

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