일상생활 영어 - [ 고급 ] [기본적인 대화] 전화받을 때 (2) 최고관리자 2024-04-04 최고관리자 일상생활영어 0 1082 04.04 15:25 전화받을 때 (2)전화 받으세요.Telephone for you.A phone call for you.Pick up the phone.Answer the phone.빌, 전화 왔어요.Bill, you have a call.Bill, there is a call for you.Bill, you are wanted on the phone.Bill이 당신과 통화했으면 해요.Bill wants to speak with you.Bill wants to have a word with you.누가 전화하더라도 저는 없다고 해주세요.No matter who calls me, tell them I'm not here.레이첼한테 전화 오면 나 없다고 해줘요.If there's a call form Rachel, please say I'm out.