일상생활 영어 - [ 고급 ] [기본적인 대화] 전화 걸 때 (2) 최고관리자 2024-04-04 최고관리자 일상생활영어 0 1033 04.04 15:28 전화 걸 때 (2)나야.It's me.인북스에 근무하는 미스터 화이트입니다.This is Mr. White from Inbooks company.방금 전에 전화드렸던 사람인데요.I just called a minute ago.This is the person who was just on the phone.방금 전에 전화했던 헬렌입니다.This is Helen I just called.내가 누군지 알아 맞혀 보세요.Guess who this is.언제쯤 돌아오실까요?How soon do you expect him back?곧 돌아 오실까요?Do you expect him shortly?그 분이 돌아오셨습니까?Is he back yet?Has he come in yet?Has he returned yet?그 분하고 연락할 방법이 없을까요?Is there any way I can contact him?Is there any way I can reach him?Where do you think I can reach him right now?Do you have any idea where he is?Do you know where I can reach him?How can I get in touch with him?