일상생활 영어 - [ 고급 ] 전화 통화 (2) 최고관리자 2024-04-04 최고관리자 일상생활영어 0 1050 04.04 15:38 전화 통화듣고 계세요?You got me?Are you with me?Are you still on the phone?이해하시겠어요?You got that?Do you understand me?제가 잘못 들은 모양이에요.I might have misheard you.I didn't quite catch it.적으셨어요?Did you write it down?다시 한번 읽어 주시겠어요?Would you read it back to me, please?알았어요.Okay.All right.I got it.I see.들어봐.Listen!제 얘기를 끝까지 들어보세요.Just hear me out.잠깐만요.Hold on.Wait.그래요?Really?Is that so?어머, 저런!Oh, my!잘 들리는군요.I can hear you very well.감도가 안 좋네요.The line's bad.전혀 안 들려요.I can hear nothing you are saying.좀 더 크게 말씀하시겠어요?Would you speak up, please?Would you speak a little louder, please?